Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Annoying Exes

The exes.

These are the people that often time make you wonder what the hell you were thinking.

Or they can make you wish you hadn't been so oblivious to what you had.

Either way, the whole situation is an experience for you to learn from, grow and move on.

The type of exes I wanna talk about this time around are the annoying ones. The ones that haven't grasped the concept of what an ex is supposed to be

If we've broken up, then it wasn't a spontaneous, irrational act. I did not get up one morning and say to myself 'Hmm...I feel like breaking today, so I'm gonna'. No... I'd like to believe that if two people are in a relationship and they decide to break up, some amount of thought would have gone into the decision.

I admit that most times break - ups aren't amicable, and both parties aren't in agreement that the relationship should end. More often than not, one person will want to hold on; one party will be willing to try to stay together and work things out.

However, when it is clear that it wont work and you both need to go your separate ways, please do so. Going your separate ways does not include the following:

  • Calling/Texting your ex every hour on the hour to tell them you want them back together
  • Turning up at their residence unannounced every other day, begging to get back together
  • Trying to scare off the people that they are currently dating
  • STALKING them
I should add that staying up all night with a bottle of Jack, singing "All by Myself" and crying on the living room floor is not moving on either. 

You had your chance with this person. It didn't work out. The best thing you could do for yourself is to accept that, learn from your mistakes and get on with your life.

 And stop acting so pathetic all the goddamn time

Pink Duchess

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